
Going Bush


​​​Prep–Year 1
Full day program


Big idea

Students become more aware of themselves, others and a forest place as they experience and explore using their senses.


Curriculum links

Science, HASS (Geography), English, Health and Physical Education - see matrix for more details.


Program overview

The Going Bush program focuses on investigating the world around us by using our senses. Depending on your curriculum needs, students will:

  • learn how to use their senses to stay safe while investigating the world around them,
  • explore environments and a natural place, including a forest
  • consider whether a forest is a special place and identify ways to protect a natural environment (HASS)
  • investigate the types of features found in the forest and use a map to navigate the forest trails (HASS)
  • search for different animal and plant habitats and identify clues that animals have left behind (Science)
  • discover how animals use and physically change natural materials to make their homes (Science)
  • consider the best types of materials to use in protective clothing for a walk in the forest (Science) and
  • practise personal and social skills to interact positively and safely with others

    After an introduction to Twiggy and Roo, who are so unfortunate that they have no senses, students create a sensory-aware character and identify what types of protective clothing Twiggy and Roo will need to stay safe on a forest walk (e.g. a hat, closed-in shoes etc). Students are encouraged to discuss the types of materials that would be the best choice based around physical properties including being waterproof, light/heavy weight, easy/difficult to shape etc.

    Students then participate in two activities focusing on safety, the senses, natural materials and natural places: a forest Earthwalk and an environmental Senses Trail.

    On the forest Earthwalk, students learn how to walk safely in a natural environment and explore the many wonders of nature and natural places using their senses. Students identify how forest animals use and physically change natural materials to make their homes, listen to the sounds of the forest and explore the features of the forest, including textures, using annayloupes. 

    On the environmental Senses Trail, students are blindfolded. Working in pairs and supported by parents/carers, they walk barefoot across a variety of surfaces, including paddling through a shallow creek. They also feel and smell various natural items.

    In both activities, students will listen to instructions, cooperate with each other and be encouraged to share their experiences. Going Bush provides students with opportunities to apply their scientific and geographic knowledge and skills to a real-life situation, allowing them to explore science and geography in a meaningful way through active participation.​


Curriculum Activity Risk Assessments

For this program you will need to refer to the relevant Curriculum Activity Risk Assessments.


Curriculum links matrix

Going bush program curriculum matrix

Click image above for a larger version


“Opportunities for peer interactions.  Practise using their five senses to make observations about the world around them.” Prep Teacher

“Both the senses trail and bushwalk helped with our implementation of curriculum”. Prep Teacher


Last reviewed 14 September 2023
Last updated 14 September 2023