
Our programs


​​​​​​​​Programs at Bunyaville EEC

Year Level Program Description

Ages 0 - 6 years Bush Explorers

A natural play based experience for preschool-aged children and their families.
Ages 3.5 - 6 years Bush Kindy - It's Deadly For kindergartens and childcare centres, focusing on caring for self, each other and Country. Program prioritises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives.
Prep Junior Wildlife Scientist Adventure
Bush Play Adventure)​

Story and imaginative play raise awareness of the koalas' needs and problems. Solutions are explored while connecting to special places on a forest walk. Students participate in age-appropriate learning.
​Prep - Year 1
The Bunyaville Easter Bilby Adventure Through story and hands-on experiences in a real-world environment, students create a deep connection to the endangered bilby and identify actions for caring for the environment.
​Prep - Year 1
Going Bush
Students develop an understanding of, and use their senses to explore the many wonders of a forest environment. Exploring this special place, they understand how they can care for it.
Years 2 - 4
Camping on Country Within the context of students ‘going camping’ for a day, students learn sustainable practices by understanding how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people care for Country. 
Years 2 - 4

Watery Ways Water cycle, catchment care and water conservation. Games, play, scientific inquiry and numeracy with household water appliances. Walk in an authentic catchment to connect classroom learning to real life.
​Year 3
Inspirational Science
Students work scientifically investigating the types and characteristics of the living (plants and animals) and the non-living elements within different habitats in Bunyaville Conservation Park.
Year 4 - 5
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Supports students in their understanding of how erosion occurs, by providing them with a real-life opportunity to explore erosion resulting from the action of natural processes and human activity in the Park.
Years 5 - 6 Bunyaville ChallengeStudents build understanding of their own and others' strengths and apply this to develop teamwork and leadership skills. Challenging team activities develop students’ communication, collaboration, resilience and problem-solving skills.
Year 8 Landscapes and Landforms​
Students collect abiotic and biotic data to understand the Bunyaville riverine landscape. They explore the positive and negative issues that impact the Park, and the strategies used to address these issues.
Year 10
Environmental Change and Management​
Students gather primary data to identify human-induced environmental changes and how they impact biodiversity. Students consider if the Conservation Park is being managed sustainably.
Years 11 - 12

Responding to Landcover Transformations Students undertake field work to investigate the impact and management of the environmental issues of weeds, erosion and urbanisation at Bunyaville Conservation Park.

​​​​Incursion Programs

Year Level ProgramDescription
​Years 1 - 4
My Patch  Story-based incursion at your school or nearby environ. Explore needs of living things, hab​itats and biodiversity in your own place. Build inquiry skills, explore maps and Indigenous perspectives.
​Years 2 - 6
Nature Journaling 

Students investigate the environment around them and create a deeper connection with nature through art.
​Year 4
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow 

Supports students in their understanding of how erosion occurs, by providing them with a real-life opportunity to explore erosion resulting from the action of natural processes and human activity in your school grounds.
Prep - Year 12
Students learn about and try mindfulness strat​egies within and connecting with the natural world.
​Prep - Year 1
Indigenous GamesStudents appreciate, respect and celebrate Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander cultures and ways to stay healthy through physical activity playing traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander games.

S​pecialised programs

International programs​​
Last reviewed 09 October 2024
Last updated 09 October 2024