
Planning your visit


If you wish to book for term 4 2024, please contact our centre directly on

ONLINE BOOKING - Online Booking Form External link

Step 1:  Choose a program

Refer to our Programs pages for more information about what we offer and choose a program that suits your year level and curriculum needs. All our programs are aligned to the Australian Curriculum and include pre-visit, field-visit (incursion or excursion) and post-visit activities. They operate as incursions at your school or excursions within the forest setting of the Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre and are taught by qualified teachers. 

Please refer to our Programs and Curriculum pages, and Costs and fees (PDF, 119KB) for more information regarding program content, curriculum links, length of programs, costs/fees and other requirements. 

Cancellation of booking

Should you wish to postpone or cancel bookings for any reason once they are confirmed, we would request that you give us a minimum of 6 weeks notice so that we are able to reallocate your dates to schools on our waiting list. Please note that last minute cancellations may incur a cancellation fee, at the discretion of the Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre Principal.

If you wish to discuss this further, please contact us on 3353 4356 or email

Step 2:  Choose dates

Once you have selected a program, find 4 available dates and any unsuitable days or dates.

Please note, we endeavour to satisfy our client's choice, however we cannot guarantee the dates chosen. Where possible, alternative dates will be offered.

Step 3:  Complete the Online booking form

Please complete the Online booking form External link to begin the booking process.

Bookings for the following year open week 1 term 4 and those received by Friday week 7 of term 4 will receive priority. You will be notified of confirmation of your booking by the end of term 4 (see step 4).

Forms will still be taken after this deadline, however please be aware that there is a greater chance we won't be able to accommodate your school's requirements. 

Step 4:  Confirmation of booking

You will receive a booking confirmation email after your booking has been allocated and a visit date confirmed.

Step 5:  Pre-visit

You will receive an email requesting more detailed information about the logistics of the visit 8 school weeks prior to the visit. Please complete these and return to us within 2 weeks of receiving the email.

The Bunyaville EEC teacher coordinating the day will connect with you via email 4 school weeks prior to the visit, sharing both logistical and curriculum information important for the preparation of the day. We aim to ensure that the program is a success for all of your students and yourselves.

Step 6:  Following the visit

The school will be invoiced after your visit date/s for the number of students that attended on the day plus any postage of materials. You will not be charged for any visiting teachers, aides or adult helpers.

Alternate booking form

Please only use the PDF booking form (PDF, 196KB) if you are unable to book via our Online booking form External link.

Last reviewed 16 October 2024
Last updated 16 October 2024