Galang nguruindhau everyone, 
Welcome to our place, a place where we use the natural world to inspire meaningful learning, strong connections and empowers students to care for Country.
For all our programs (kindergarten to Year 12) our teachers use highly effective pedagogies to maximise student engagement, student learning and to spark curiosity. Student learning is always place responsive, age-appropriate, hands on and experiential.
I absolutely love seeing the wonder and awe that happens for our students, visiting teachers and our own staff here at Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre every day. We are always learning.
Please feel free to explore our website to see if any of our programs meet your learning needs and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact myself or our amazing team.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Olwen (Ollie) Narbey - Principal, Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre